Saturday, June 1, 2019

Civil Disobedience :: essays research papers

Civil Disobedience, Wheres The Line Drawn?In order to properly characterize and understand all aspects of cultivated noncompliance we must look at where the line of disobedience stands and who crosses it. This country was founded on the idea of democracy. Our proud and dedicated fore fathers of the Constitution created this nation on a basis of morality and true freedom. Unfortunately, this dream has been contorted. Twisted to fit the ever growing greed and power thirsty idealisms of the powerful and wealthy politician. Our country has been attack of its true seed that it started from.I believe that this countrys main problem is that its run by a majority of fair males, and of these men, not many younger than their forties. Wheres our equal representation of every populous? These people have incapacitated touch with what they call, their number one resource, its youth. Yes, they were all young at one time as well, simply times rapidly change. These quick changes can easily cau se confusion among our leaders, and this results in poor decisions based on lack of current knowledge and direct involvement. Unfortunately, these people dont understand what todays youth goes through, and whos there to represent my population? The legal voting age in this country is eighteen 1years old, a population that has already been propel into the busy world of work and many of whom have already lost the essence of their youth. We need a change, a new policy of understanding.The line of civil disobedience is drawn by our nations leaders and its their line and they mark it. The lines they make are the illusions they see, they dont look at the whole picture, our nation has a severe case of tunnel vision. Truthfully, laws are passed to protect our Christian morality, and notable standing among the Earths other great powers. It seems Americas main concern is how we project ourselves to others, and what we can get out of it. In this movement and idea, the young are lost in its de ep cracks of political separation.Our nation needs a voice, a voice of youth and honesty. Over half of our nation is comprised of young adults, but we have no say in how our lives are run. What may be small and seemingly harmless to a youth, may land him in chuck out for a few years. Policies on things such as drugs are very harsh on todays children, but the real question is, is who is the penalty benefiting?

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